Wappinshaw 2013 - Key Info

Wappinshaw 2013 was on the 1st of June at the Kelvin Hall Glasgow

The Glasgow Phoenix Wargames Club meets on Tuesday evenings between 1800-2200 at Partick Burgh Hall.

The first Tuesday of each month is a communal game and an ideal time to introduce yourself.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Claymore Pictures

Below are some pictures from Claymore - which took place in Edinburgh today.

Here is the Small Hall

Other Hall

and the Main Hall

Main Hall

Let us selfishly start off by looking at the game put on by the Phoenix club - in conjunction with the Society of Ancients. The game was Magnesia.

The Phoenix club has a dedicated team of Tactica 2 players. This game is perhaps bigger than one they might play on a Tuesday night - but not by much!

The Romans.

Phoenix-SOA-Magnesia (14)

The Seleucids

Phoenix-SOA-Magnesia (7)

Paul explains his embarrassment at only putting on a skirmish game

Phoenix-SOA-Magnesia (5)

Starters Orders!

Phoenix-SOA-Magnesia (22)

Phoenix-SOA-Magnesia (22)

Billy makes some last minute adjustments

Phoenix - Magnesia (11)

Have at it!

Phoenix - Magnesia (3)

A forthcoming attraction is the new set of skirmish rules for the Dark Ages - Saga. These boys strongly connected to Gripping Beast.

Saga - Dark Age Skirmish (2)

The heart of the game seems to be the faction sheets. You need to roll the symbols to enact the ability/event

Saga - Dark Age Skirmish (3)

Saga - Dark Age Skirmish (4)

And the demo game itself

Saga - Dark Age Skirmish (7)

Saga - Dark Age Skirmish (8)

Saga - Dark Age Skirmish (13)

Saga - Dark Age Skirmish

I was given a release date of early Sep for those. Apparently it is the special dice which are holding everything up!

GDWS had a great looking Sharp Practice game. Much looting.

GDWS - Sharp Practice (10)

GDWS - Sharp Practice (4)

GDWS - Sharp Practice (7)

GDWS - Sharp Practice (12)

GDWS - Sharp Practice (15)

I detected a more than usual number of renaissance games in the sample. There was an ECW game from East Kilbride.

East Kilbride - 1644 (2)

East Kilbride - 1644 (6)

Dunfermline had a 40K game

Dunfermline - Assault on Kirrimagus (4)

Dunfermline - Assault on Kirrimagus

A non-GW SF game was one called City of Prosperity. I missed out on the hosts - could it be Antenociti? Mutants rather than zombies. Very popular participation game this.

City of Prosperity (5)

City of Prosperity

Border Reivers had an AVBCW game - good use of industrial landscapes

Border Reivers - Affair at Elswick (11)

Border Reivers - Affair at Elswick (2)

Border Reivers - Affair at Elswick (4)

I think the only C19th game of the day was a Crimea game from Tyneside

Tyneside - Crimea

The only FoW game of the day was by Falkirk and District

Falkirk and District - FoW (4)

Falkirk and District - FoW (6)

RAF gamers were running their Great Escape game again.

The Great Escape (5)

Phoenix Club member George was having a lot better time than this pic might suggest.

The Great Escape (7)

If I was a guard at Stalag Luft, signage like this might make me suspicious!

Great Escape Directions

Kirriemuir were running their Dark Age raiding game again

Kirriemuir - Dark Ages (3)

Durham brought us an Eastern European renaissance game in 40mm

Durham - Fire in the Steppe (2)

Durham - Fire in the Steppe (6)

Independent Wargames Brigade - all one of him [plus family] brought a distinctive Chinese game

Independent Wargames Brigade - Everything Under Heaven (9)

Independent Wargames Brigade - Everything Under Heaven (7)

Independent Wargames Brigade - Everything Under Heaven (3)

There was a second AVBCW game - I missed the production team behind this one




A second game I failed to note the ownership of was a Battle of the Nile game

Battle of the Nile (3)

The other ECW game of the day was by Iron Brigade. Some lovely details on this one.

Iron Brigade - ECW (12)

Iron Brigade - ECW (14)

Iron Brigade - ECW (2)

Iron Brigade - ECW (3)

The League of Augsberg pulled their usual trick of bodging together some terrain at the last minute :)

League of Augsberg (4)

League of Augsberg (10)

League of Augsberg (6)

Personal damage for the day wasn't too bad. A copy of the BP supplement - Last Argument of Kings and a copy of the Force on Force supplement for Afghanistan.

Thanks to SESWC for the show and all the clubs and traders for making it an enjoyable day out!
