Wappinshaw 2013 - Key Info

Wappinshaw 2013 was on the 1st of June at the Kelvin Hall Glasgow

The Glasgow Phoenix Wargames Club meets on Tuesday evenings between 1800-2200 at Partick Burgh Hall.

The first Tuesday of each month is a communal game and an ideal time to introduce yourself.

Saturday, 30 June 2012

New Venue Needed?


Our first piece of Wappinshaw 2013 news is that the show may require a new venue. We've very recently discovered that our home for the last two years - The Royal Concert Hall - is to undergo redevelopment and will be out of action in the period we'd be looking to book it. This is the same issue that had us relocating two years ago.

Further info will be posted as and when we have anything concrete wrt location and dates.